Hydraulic Cylinders: Troubleshooting and Repairing the Internal Components

Hydraulic cylinders are critical components in most engineering vehicles, construction equipment and other industrial machinery. These function as mechanical actuators, so they are central in the control of the entire hydraulic system. Typically, a hydraulic cylinder is designed to provide long-term service in the pertinent equipment. However, the component can fail prematurely due to impact or eventual degradation due to continued heavy usage. If this happens, you must perform immediate repairs to restore optimal functionality and promote longevity. [Read More]

Modular Cool Room: Three Crucial Elements to Consider Before Selection

There are numerous types of cool rooms to consider if you are thinking about purchasing a new refrigeration space for your business. One of the most beneficial options for most commercial operations is the modular cold room. Basically, this structure is designed and built in the form of panels, and these are sold and delivered in flat packs. The panels are made in standard sizes, and they lock into each other easily, creating a cold room. [Read More]

Some Common Construction Waste Materials That Can Be Salvaged and Recycled

Year in and year out, many buildings are demolished in different parts of Australia. This generates a huge volume of construction waste that is to end up being sent to landfills. Luckily, some construction materials can be recycled for reuse. This reduces the rate at which landfills are filled up and also reduces the need to manufacture new construction products to meet new demand. Here is a run-through of a few common construction materials that can be reclaimed and reused. [Read More]

Dehumidification: Staying Cool in High Humidity

Although it is not often referred to as an air conditioning unit, a dehumidifier that is used for removing moisture content from the air within a building really is one. Many dehumidifying units also function to cool air in a twin-use operation, although a good number of domestic ones are single-function only. When repairs are required to either twin or lone-operation dehumidifiers, an air conditioning services company should be called on. [Read More]